444.140. Such bond shall be signed by the proposers, and bynot less than two sureties, to be approved by said court,residents of the county wherein such mining is to be carried on,and shall be made payable to the state of Missouri, andconditioned that the principal in said bond shall carry on themining operations proposed in the petition in a careful manner,and the said parties shall not mine, dig, excavate nor take coalor earth from or under any land or lots than that described inthe said bond, and shall pay all damages that may be sustained byany and all persons by reason of the violation of any of theconditions of said bond, and any and all charges, fines andpenalties that may be levied, assessed against or imposed uponthe said proposers, their agents, servants, stockholders,officers or employees, by reason of any violation of theconditions of said bond or any of the provisions of sections444.100 to 444.180.
(RSMo 1939 § 14798)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13608; 1919 § 7451; 1909 § 8423