444.355. The director shall have and exercise all powersprovided in sections 444.352 to 444.380, including but notlimited to the following:
(1) Ensure the coordination of existing environmentalprograms for the processing of the permit required by sections444.352 to 444.380;
(2) Issue such permits, determinations and orders asauthorized;
(3) Cause to be instituted in any court of competentjurisdiction legal proceedings for injunction and otherappropriate relief to enforce sections 444.352 to 444.380;
(4) Exercise general supervision of the administration andenforcement of sections 444.352 to 444.380 and the rulespromulgated pursuant thereto;
(5) Retain, employ, provide for and compensate, withinappropriations available, such assistants, deputies, clerks andother employees, consultants and contractors necessary to carryout the provisions of sections 444.350 to 444.380;
(6) Apply for, accept, receive and administer grants orother funds or gifts from public and private organizations andagencies including the federal government for the purpose ofcarrying out any of the functions of sections 444.352 to444.380;
(7) Budget, receive and disburse duly appropriated fundsfor expenditures to develop and implement the provisions ofsections 444.350 to 444.380;
(8) Ensure that each operator obtains such necessary permitand meets the requirements of sections 444.352 to 444.380 andthe rules promulgated thereunder for proper management ofmetallic minerals waste management areas;
(9) Make inspections and investigations, includinggathering of samples and performing of tests and analyses, andto enter or authorize any representative of the department toenter, at all reasonable times, in or upon any private or publicproperty. Such entry shall be solely for the purpose of issuingorders and permits, or for inspecting or investigatingfacilities, records, permits or management practices forviolation of the program established by sections 444.352 to444.380;
(10) Collect and maintain, and require any owner oroperator to collect and maintain, records and informationconcerning metallic minerals waste management practices.
(L. 1989 H.B. 321 ยง 3)