444.362. 1. The operator shall submit a closure plan, thepurpose of which shall be to:
(1) Ensure that metallic mineral wastes are containedon-site as required by applicable NPDES permits, dam safetyregistration requirements, waste management programrequirements, and air pollution control regulations;
(2) Ensure the continued integrity of the waste managementstructures; and
(3) Ensure that the proposed final designated uses of thearea are achieved.
2. The closure plan shall state the final designated usesfor the waste management area, which designated uses shall becompatible with and achieve the purposes of sections 444.352 to444.380. There may be multiple uses so long as they arecompatible. The designated uses may include wildlife,agricultural, recreational, commercial, industrial or otherappropriate uses, including the processing of wastes or theremoval of waste materials off-site for beneficial uses. Theoperator shall meet the requirements for establishing thedesignated uses as specified by the permit.
3. Based on the designated uses, the plan shall set forththe measures to be taken to accomplish the objectives of theplan, including measures to provide, as necessary:
(1) Surface water management;
(2) Monitoring and protection of ground water;
(3) Waste management structures control;
(4) Vegetation;
(5) Control of off-site removal;
(6) Control of movement from wind; and
(7) Such other matters required to accomplish the purposesof the plan.
4. The closure plan shall be reviewed by the operator andthe director every five years, or upon request of the owner oroperator and shall be revised as necessary.
(L. 1989 H.B. 321 ยง 6)