444.550. 1. Application for permit shall be made on aform prescribed by the commission and shall include:
(1) The names of all persons with any interest in the landto be mined;
(2) The source of the applicant's legal right to mine theland affected by the permit;
(3) The permanent and temporary post-office address of theapplicant;
(4) Whether the applicant or any person associated with theapplicant holds or has held any other permits under sections444.500 to 444.755, and an identification of such permits;
(5) The written consent of the applicant and any otherpersons necessary to grant access to the commission or thedirector to the area of land affected under application from thedate of application until the expiration of any permit grantedunder the application and thereafter for such time as isnecessary to assure compliance with all provisions of sections444.500 to 444.755 or any rule or regulation promulgated underthem;
(6) Such other information as the commission may require.
2. The application for a permit shall be accompanied by amap prepared and certified by a professional engineer containingthe following information in a scale and form specified by thecommission:
(1) An identification of the area to correspond with theapplication;
(2) The boundaries of surface properties and names ofowners of the area of land to be affected, and, if known to theoperator, adjacent deep mines, and the name of the owner orowners of the surface area within six hundred and sixty feet ofany part of the area of land to be affected;
(3) The names and locations of all streams, creeks, orother bodies of public water, roads, buildings, cemeteries, oiland gas wells and utility lines on or within six hundred andsixty feet of the area to be mined;
(4) The boundaries of the area of land affected shown byappropriate markings, the cropline of the seam or deposit to bemined, and the total number of acres involved in the area ofland affected;
(5) The date on which the map was prepared, the north pointand the section, township and range;
(6) A comprehensive water management plan for the area ofland affected, including the sources of water inflow, thedrainage plan on and away from the area of land affected,indicating the directional flow of water, constructed drainways,constructed washing, cleaning or retaining ponds or reservoirsand the construction plans thereof, natural waterways used fordrainage, and the nearest streams or tributaries receiving thedischarge or overflow, the plan for control or prevention ofsoil erosion as required by subdivision (2) of subsection 1 ofsection 444.610, and the plan for control of the inflow of waterand leaching or discharge of water, acid, oil and othersubstances required by subdivision (7) of subsection 1 ofsection 444.610;
(7) Such other information that the commission may require.
(L. 1971 S.B. 1 ยง 5, A.L. 1976 S.B. 646, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1584)