445.060. Any recorded plat or plan of any town or city, andof any addition thereto or subdivision thereof, or/and anyrecorded survey or plat or plan of any town or city and of anyaddition thereto or subdivision thereof or part of same made bythe county surveyor of the county in which said town, city,addition or subdivision is located, which was not properly orfully made, certified or executed or was not properly or fullyacknowledged, according to law, at the time of the making,certifying, executing or acknowledgment of same, according tolaw, but which shows or describes the real estate correctly or insuch a manner that the lines of same may or can be laid orlocated from such plat, plan or survey upon the ground, and hasbeen recorded in the recorder's office or in the records of thesurveyor's office of the county in which the law directs it shallbe recorded, for ten years, shall have the same force and effectas though properly and fully made, certified, executed oracknowledged, according to law, and shall be received in evidencein all courts of the state, in any cause, and shall be primafacie evidence of the correctness of same and of the showingthereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 12806)Prior revision: 1929 § 11182