445.100. 1. In all cities that now have or hereafter mayhave four hundred thousand inhabitants or over, all plans, platsor replats of land laid out in building lots and streets, alleys,or other portions of the same intended to be dedicated to publicor private use, or for the use of purchasers or owners of lotsfronting thereon or adjacent thereto, and located within the citylimits, shall be submitted to the board or body having charge ofthe design, construction and maintenance of city streets andapproved by it before they shall be recorded.
2. And it shall be unlawful to receive or record such planin any public office unless the same shall bear thereon, byendorsement or otherwise, the approval of the board or bodyhaving charge of the design, construction and maintenance of citystreets.
3. The approval of the board or body having charge of thedesign, construction and maintenance of city streets shall bedeemed an acceptance of the proposed dedication for public orprivate use as the case may be; but shall not impose any dutyupon the city concerning the maintenance or improvement of anysuch dedicated parts, until the proper authorities of the cityshall have made actual appropriation of the same by entry, use orimprovement; and owners and purchasers shall be deemed to havenotice of the published plans, maps and reports of the board orbody having charge of the design, construction and maintenance ofcity streets affecting such property within its jurisdiction.
(RSMo 1939 § 12817)Prior revision: 1929 § 11193