446.090. The party applying for the establishment of anycorner or corners shall give notice, in writing, of the time andplace of taking such depositions, to every person or persons whomay be the owner of any interest in the lands adjoining suchcorner or corners, his or their agent or attorney, at leastthirty days before the taking of the same. In case the personinterested be a minor or disabled as defined in chapter 475,RSMo, the notice shall be served on the conservator of such minoror disabled person. The publication of such notice in somenewspaper printed in the county, at least three weeksconsecutively, the last insertion to be twenty days before theday of taking depositions, shall be sufficient notice tononresidents of the state and all other persons.
(RSMo 1939 § 1979, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1815; 1919 § 5502; 1909 § 6445