448.010. As used in sections 448.005 to 448.210, unless thecontext otherwise requires, the following terms mean:
(1) "Common elements", all portions of the property exceptthe units;
(2) "Declaration", the instrument and amendments thereto bywhich the property is submitted to the provisions of sections448.005 to 448.210, as hereinafter provided, and the declarationas from time to time amended;
(3) "Developer", the person, firm, or corporation whoestablishes a condominium through the recording of a declaration,bylaws, and plat. In the event the developer transfers theproperty prior to completion of the construction program, thedeveloper shall include any transferee who acquires the propertyfor purposes of completing the construction as shown on the plator amended plats;
(4) "Majority" or "majority of the unit owners", the ownersof more than fifty percent in the aggregate in interest of theundivided ownership of the common elements. Any specifiedpercentage of the unit owners means such percentage in theaggregate in interest of the undivided ownership;
(5) "Parcel", the lot or lots, tract or tracts of land,including additional tracts added by subsequent amendmentdescribed in the declaration or amendments thereto, submitted tothe provisions of sections 448.005 to 448.210;
(6) "Person", a natural individual, corporation,partnership, trustee or other legal entity capable of holdingtitle to real property;
(7) "Plat", a plat or plats of survey or surveys togetherwith amendments thereto of the parcel or parcels and of all unitswhich are proposed for inclusion in the property or propertiessubmitted to the provisions of sections 448.005 to 448.210, whichplat or plats may consist of a three-dimensional horizontal andvertical delineation of all such units;
(8) "Property", all the land, property or properties andspace comprising the parcel or parcels, all improvements andstructures erected, constructed or contained therein or thereon,including the building and all easements, rights andappurtenances belonging thereto, and all fixtures and equipmentintended for the mutual use, benefit or enjoyment of the unitowners, submitted to the provisions of sections 448.005 to448.210;
(9) "Record", to record in the office of the recorder ofdeeds of the county wherein the property is located;
(10) "Unit", a part of the property including one or morerooms, occupying one or more floors or a part or parts thereof,designed and intended for any type of independent use, and havinglawful access to a public way;
(11) "Unit owner", the person or persons whose estates orinterests, individually or collectively, aggregate fee simpleabsolute ownership of a unit.
(L. 1963 p. 648 ยง 2, A.L. 1969 H.B. 767, A.L. 1983 H.B. 177)