451.080. 1. The recorders of the several counties of this state, andthe recorder of the city of St. Louis, shall, when applied to by any personlegally entitled to a marriage license, issue the same which may be in thefollowing form: State of Missouri )
) ss.
) County of ........ )
This license authorizes any judge, associate circuit judge, licensed orordained preacher of the gospel, or other person authorized under the laws ofthis state, to solemnize marriage between A B of ....., county of ...... andstate of ......, who is ...... the age of eighteen years, and C D of ......,in the county of ....., state of ......, who is ...... the age of eighteenyears.
2. If the man is under eighteen or the woman under eighteen, add thefollowing:
The custodial parent or guardian, as the case may be, of the said A B orC D (A B or C D, as the case may require), has given his or her assent to thesaid marriage.
Witness my hand as recorder, with the seal of office hereto affixed, atmy office, in ......, the ...... day of ......, 20.., recorder.
3. On which such license the person solemnizing the marriage shall,within fifteen days after the issuing thereof, make as near as may be thefollowing return, and return such license to the officer issuing the same:State of Missouri )
) ss.
) County of ........ )
This is to certify that the undersigned ...... did at ......, in saidcounty, on the ...... day of ...... A.D. 20.., unite in marriage theabove-named persons.
(RSMo 1939 § 3365, A.L. 1974 2d Ex. Sess. H.B. 11, A.L. 1993 S.B. 180, A.L. 2001 H.B. 157)Prior revisions: 1929 § 2978; 1919 § 7303; 1909 § 8284