451.090. 1. No recorder shall, in any event except asherein provided, issue a license authorizing the marriage of anyperson under fifteen years of age; provided, however, that suchlicense may be issued on order of a circuit or associate circuitjudge of the county in which the license is applied for, suchlicense being issued only for good cause shown and by reason ofsuch unusual conditions as to make such marriage advisable.
2. No recorder shall issue a license authorizing themarriage of any male under the age of eighteen years or of anyfemale under the age of eighteen years, except with the consentof his or her custodial parent or guardian, which consent shallbe given at the time, in writing, stating the residence of theperson giving such consent, signed and sworn to before an officerauthorized to administer oaths.
3. The recorder shall state in every license whether theparties applying for same, one or either or both of them, are ofage, or whether the male is under the age of eighteen years orthe female under the age of eighteen years, and if the male isunder the age of eighteen years or the female is under the age ofeighteen years, the name of the custodial parent or guardianconsenting to such marriage.
(RSMo 1939 § 3370, A.L. 1974 2d Ex. Sess. H.B. 11, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1993 S.B. 180)Prior revisions: 1929 § 2983; 1919 § 7308; 1909 § 8289