452.025. 1. All pleadings required to be verified under this chaptermay at the time of execution be made by the acknowledgment thereof by thepetitioner or respondent made before an officer authorized to administeroaths under the laws of this state, and evidenced by the officer'scertificate, under official seal, attached or annexed to the pleading inform and content substantially as follows:
THE STATE OF ......................
COUNTY OF .........................
(The undersigned), of lawful age, being duly sworn on his/her oath,states that he/she is the petitioner/respondent named above and that thefacts stated in the ................... are true according to his/her bestknowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... day of ....., 20...
My commission expires: ............................................................... Notary Public
2. All references in this chapter regarding a "verified" documentshall be satisfied by compliance with the requirements of subsection 1 ofthis section.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1211)