452.403. 1. Upon the written request of a grandparentdenied visitation with a grandchild, the associate division ofthe circuit court may order mediation with any party who hascustody or visitation rights with the minor child and appoint amediator. Such written request need not follow the rules ofcivil procedure and need not be written or filed by an attorney.
2. As used in this section, "mediation" is the process bywhich a neutral mediator appointed by the court assists theparties in reaching a mutually acceptable voluntary andconsensual agreement in the best interests of the child as toissues of child care and visitation. The role of the mediator isto aid the parties in identifying the issues, reducingmisunderstandings, clarifying priorities, exploring areas ofcommon interest and finding points of agreement. An agreementreached by the parties shall be based on the decisions of theparties and not the decisions of the mediator. The agreementreached may resolve all or only some of the disputed issues.
3. At any time after the third mediation session, eitherparty may terminate mediation ordered pursuant to this section.
4. The costs of the mediation shall be paid by thegrandparent requesting the mediation order.
5. The venue shall be in the county where the childresides.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1492 ยง l)