452.556. 1. The state courts administrator shall create a handbookor be responsible for the approval of a handbook outlining the following:
(1) What is included in a parenting plan;
(2) The benefits of the parties agreeing to a parenting plan whichoutlines education, custody and cooperation between parents;
(3) The benefits of alternative dispute resolution;
(4) The pro se family access motion for enforcement of custody ortemporary physical custody;
(5) The underlying assumptions for supreme court rules relating tochild support; and
(6) A party's duties and responsibilities pursuant to section452.377, including the possible consequences of not complying with section452.377. The handbooks shall be distributed to each court and shall beavailable in an alternative format, including Braille, large print, orelectronic or audio format upon request by a person with a disability, asdefined by the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.
2. Each court shall mail a copy of the handbook developed pursuant tosubsection 1 of this section to each party in a dissolution or legalseparation action filed pursuant to section 452.310, or any proceeding inmodification thereof, where minor children are involved, or may provide thepetitioner with a copy of the handbook at the time the petition is filedand direct that a copy of the handbook be served along with the petitionand summons upon the respondent.
3. The court shall make the handbook available to interested stateagencies and members of the public.
(L. 1998 S.B. 910, A.L. 2001 S.B. 267)