452.715. 1. A child custody proceeding that pertains to an Indianchild, as defined in the Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 U.S.C. Section 1901,et seq., is not subject to sections 452.700 to 452.930 to the extent thatit is governed by the Indian Child Welfare Act.
2. A court of this state shall treat a tribe as a state of the UnitedStates for purposes of sections 452.700 to 452.930.
3. A child custody determination made by a tribe under factualcircumstances in substantial conformity with the jurisdictional standardsof sections 452.700 to 452.930 shall be recognized and enforced under theprovisions of sections 452.850 to 452.915.
(L. 2009 H.B. 481)