452.747. 1. Any petition for modification of child custody decreesfiled under the provisions of section 452.410 or sections 452.700 to452.930 shall be verified and, if the original proceeding originated in thestate of Missouri, shall be filed in that original case, but service shallbe obtained and responsive pleadings may be filed as in any originalproceeding.
2. Before making a decree under section 452.410 or sections 452.700to 452.930, the litigants, any parent whose parental rights have not beenpreviously terminated, and any person who has physical custody of the childshall be served in the manner provided by the rules of civil procedure andapplicable court rules and may within thirty days after the date of service(forty-five days if service by publication) file a verified answer. If anysuch persons are outside this state, notice and opportunity to be heardshall be given under section 452.740.
(L. 2009 H.B. 481)