453.011. 1. In all cases involving the termination of parentalrights, placement, or adoption of a child, whether voluntary or contestedby any person or agency, the court shall, consistent with due process,expedite the termination, placement, or adoption proceeding by enteringsuch scheduling orders as are necessary to ensure that the case is notdelayed, and such case shall be given priority in setting a final hearingof the proceeding and shall be heard at the earliest possible date overother civil litigation, other than children's division child protectioncases.
2. In all cases as specified in subsection 1 of this section whichare appealed from the decision of a trial court:
(1) The transcript from the prior court proceeding shall be providedto the appellate court no later than thirty days from the date the appealis filed; and
(2) The appellate court shall, consistent with its rules, expeditethe contested termination of parental rights or adoption case by enteringsuch scheduling orders as are necessary to ensure that a ruling will beentered within thirty days of the close of oral arguments, and such caseshall be given priority over all other civil litigation, other thanchildren's division child protection cases, in reaching a determination onthe status of the termination of parental rights or of the adoption; and
(3) In no event shall the court permit more than one request for anextension by either party.
3. It is the intent of the general assembly that the permanency ofthe placement of a child who is the subject of a termination of parentalrights proceeding, a placement proceeding, or an adoption proceeding not bedelayed any longer than is absolutely necessary consistent with the rightsof all parties, but that the rights of the child to permanency at theearliest possible date be given priority over all other civil litigationother than children's division child protection cases.
(L. 2000 S.B. 757 & 602, A.L. 2007 S.B. 84)