453.026. 1. As early as is practical before a prospective adoptiveparent accepts physical custody of a child, the person placing the childfor adoption, as authorized by section 453.014, shall furnish to the court,the guardian ad litem and the prospective adoptive parent a written reportregarding the child.
2. The person placing the child shall not be held liable forincorrect information as provided by others or unintentional errors whenmaking the written report.
3. The department of social services, division of family servicesshall promulgate rules and regulations regarding all written informationthat shall be furnished to the court, the guardian ad litem and theprospective adoptive parent.
4. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority ofthis section shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuantto the provisions of section 536.024, RSMo.
(L. 1997 H.B. 343)