453.074. 1. The division of family services shall have thefollowing duties in the administration of the subsidy program:
(1) Notify all petitioners for adoption of the availabilityof subsidies for a child;
(2) Provide all petitioners for adoption with the rules andeligibility requirements for subsidies;
(3) Inform the parents of a child receiving a subsidy ofreductions or other modifications in the terms and conditions ofthe written agreement;
(4) Establish procedures for the resolution of disputesinvolving the delay, denial, amount or type of subsidy;
(5) File an annual report to the legislature in the budgetproposal on the adoption subsidy program, including but notlimited to, the number and types of subsidies being paid, anaccounting of state and federal funds expended, and a projectionof future monetary needs to maintain the subsidy program;
(6) Comply with all federal laws relating to adoptionsubsidies in order to maintain the eligibility of the state ofMissouri for federal funds.
2. The provisions of this section shall not apply to theadoption of a child by the spouse of a biological parent or anadoptive parent.
(L. 1985 H.B. 366, et al.)