453.077. 1. When a child has been placed with the petitioner for therequired six-month placement period, the person conducting the preplacementassessment of the adoption or other persons authorized to conductassessments pursuant to section 453.070 shall provide the court with apostplacement assessment. The specific content of which shall bedetermined by rule by the department of social services, division of familyservices. The postplacement assessment shall include an update of thepreplacement assessment which was submitted to the court pursuant tosection 453.070, and a report on the emotional, physical and psychologicalstatus of the child. If an assessment is conducted after August 28, 1997,but prior to the promulgation of rules and regulations by the departmentconcerning the contents of such assessment, any discrepancy between thecontents of the actual assessment and the contents of the assessmentrequired by department rule shall not be used as the sole basis forinvalidating an adoption.
2. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated pursuant to the authorityof this section shall become effective unless it has been promulgatedpursuant to the provisions of chapter 536, RSMo.
(L. 1997 H.B. 343, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1918 merged with S.B. 674)