454.1000. As used in sections 454.1000 to 454.1025, the followingterms mean:
(1) "Arrearage", the amount created by a failure to provide:
(a) Support to a child pursuant to an administrative or judicialsupport order; or
(b) Support to a spouse if the judgment or order requiring payment ofspousal support also requires payment of child support and such spouse isthe custodial parent;
(2) "Child", a person for whom child support is due pursuant to asupport order;
(3) "Court", any circuit court of the state that enters a supportorder or a circuit court in which such order is registered or filed;
(4) "Director", the director of the division of child supportenforcement;
(5) "Division", the division of child support enforcement of thedepartment of social services;
(6) "IV-D case", a case in which support rights are assigned to thestate pursuant to section 208.040, RSMo, or the division is providingsupport enforcement services pursuant to section 454.425;
(7) "License", a license, certificate, registration or authorizationissued by a licensing authority granting a person a right or privilege toengage in a business, occupation, profession, recreation or other relatedprivilege that is subject to suspension, revocation, forfeiture ortermination by the licensing authority prior to its date of expiration,except for any license issued by the department of conservation. Licensesinclude licenses to operate motor vehicles pursuant to chapter 302, RSMo,but shall not include motor vehicle registrations pursuant to chapter 301,RSMo;
(8) "Licensing authority", any department, except for the departmentof conservation, division, board, agency or instrumentality of this stateor any political subdivision thereof that issues a license. Any board orcommission assigned to the division of professional registration isincluded in the definition of licensing authority;
(9) "Obligee":
(a) A person to whom payments are required to be made pursuant to asupport order; or
(b) A public agency of this or any other state which has the right toreceive current or accrued support payments or provides support enforcementservices pursuant to this chapter;
(10) "Obligor", a person who owes a duty of support;
(11) "Order suspending a license", an order issued by a court or thedirector to suspend a license. The order shall contain the name of theobligor, date of birth of the obligor, the type of license and the SocialSecurity number of the obligor;
(12) "Payment plan" includes, but is not limited to, a written planapproved by the court or division that incorporates an income withholdingpursuant to sections 452.350, RSMo, and 454.505 or a similar plan forperiodic payment of an arrearage, and current and future support, ifapplicable;
(13) "Support order", an order providing a determinable amount fortemporary or final periodic payment of support. Such order may includepayment of a determinable amount of insurance, medical or other expenses ofthe child issued by:
(a) A court of this state;
(b) A court or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction ofanother state, an Indian tribe, or a foreign country; or
(c) The director of the division.
(L. 1997 S.B. 361)Effective 7-1-97