454.1008. 1. Upon receipt of an order suspending a license, alicensing authority shall:
(1) Determine if the licensing authority has issued a license to theobligor whose name appears on the order;
(2) Enter the suspension as effective from the date of the orderissued by the court or division;
(3) Issue the notice of the suspension to the licensee; and
(4) If required by law, demand surrender of the suspended license.
2. An order issued by a court or the director suspending a licenseshall be processed by the licensing authority without any additional reviewor hearing by such licensing authority.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law regarding thesuspension, revocation, denial, termination or renewal of a license to thecontrary, an order issued by a court or the director suspending a licenseshall be implemented by the licensing authority and continue until thecourt or division advises the licensing authority that such suspension hasbeen stayed or terminated. The obligor may not appeal the suspension of alicense pursuant to sections 454.1000 to 454.1025 pursuant to any otherlaw, including, but not limited to, section 302.311, RSMo. The exclusiveprocedure for appeal is provided in sections 454.1000 to 454.1025.
4. If a license is suspended, any funds paid by the obligor to thelicensing authority for costs related to issuance, renewal or maintenanceof a license shall not be refunded to the obligor.
5. Unless acting pursuant to an order of a court or the directorwhich stays the suspension of a license, an obligor who continues to engagein the business, occupation, profession or other licensed activity whilethe license is suspended pursuant to this section is guilty of a class Amisdemeanor, unless a penalty is otherwise provided. The division or thelicensing authority may refer the obligor to the appropriate prosecuting orcircuit attorney or the attorney general for prosecution pursuant to thissection in addition to any other remedy provided by law for engaging in alicensed activity without a license or while a license is suspended.
6. The licensing authority shall be exempt from liability to thelicensee for activities conducted pursuant to this section.
7. The licensing authority shall not modify, remand, reverse, vacateor stay an order of the court or director suspending a license.
8. If the license suspended is a driver's license, the obligor shallhave no rights pursuant to section 302.311, RSMo.
(L. 1997 S.B. 361)Effective 7-1-97