454.190. 1. The prosecuting attorney shall, on his owninitiative, use all means at his disposal to trace the defendantor his property and if, due to inaccuracies of the petition orotherwise, the court cannot obtain jurisdiction, the prosecutingattorney shall inform the court of what he has done and requestthe court to continue the case pending receipt of more accurateinformation or an amended petition from the court in theinitiating state.
2. If the defendant or his property is not found in thecounty and the prosecuting attorney discovers by any means thatthe defendant or his property may be found in another county ofthis state or in another state he shall so inform the court andthereupon the clerk of the court shall forward the documentsreceived from the court in the initiating state to a court in theother county or to a court in the other state or to theinformation agency or other proper official of the other statewith a request that it forward the documents to the proper court.Thereupon both the court of the other county and any court ofthis state receiving the documents and the prosecuting attorneyhave the same powers and duties under sections 454.010 to 454.360as if the documents had been originally addressed to them. Whenthe clerk of a court of this state retransmits documents toanother court, he shall notify forthwith the court from which thedocuments came.
3. If the prosecuting attorney has no information as to thewhereabouts of the obligor or his property he shall so inform theinitiating court.
(L. 1959 S.B. 118)