454.533. 1. All support payments collected by the payment centershall be deposited in a special trust fund, which is hereby created, to beknown as the "Family Support Trust Fund". Interest, if any, earned by themoney in the trust fund shall be deposited into the general revenue fund inthe state treasury.
2. The moneys in the family support trust fund shall not be deemed tobe state funds and shall not be commingled with any state funds. Anymoneys that are payable to the state of Missouri from the trust fund shallbe deposited in the state's general revenue fund.
3. The payment center shall keep accurate record of the moneyreceived and disbursed through the trust fund and such records shall beavailable for inspection by state and federal officers and employees,obligors, obligees and the courts authorized by law.
4. The director or division may authorize the state treasurer to makerefunds to the trust fund for erroneous payments and overpayments to thestate.
(L. 1999 S.B. 291)Effective 7-1-99