454.600. As used in sections 454.600 to 454.645, thefollowing terms mean:
(1) "Court", any circuit court establishing a supportobligation pursuant to an action under this chapter, chapter 210,RSMo, chapter 211, RSMo, or chapter 452, RSMo;
(2) "Director", the director of the division of childsupport enforcement of the department of social services;
(3) "Division", the division of child support enforcementof the department of social services;
(4) "Employer", any individual, organization, agency,business or corporation hiring an obligor for pay;
(5) "Health benefit plan", any benefit plan or combinationof plans, other than public assistance programs, providingmedical or dental care or benefits through insurance orotherwise, including but not limited to health servicecorporations, as defined in section 354.010, RSMo; prepaid dentalplans, as defined in section 354.700, RSMo; health maintenanceorganization plans, as defined in section 354.400, RSMo; andself-insurance plans, to the extent allowed by federal law;
(6) "Minor child", a child for whom a support obligationexists under law;
(7) "Obligee", a person to whom a duty of support is owedor a person, including any division of the department of socialservices, who has commenced a proceeding for enforcement of analleged duty of support or for registration of a support order,regardless of whether the person to whom a duty of support isowed is a recipient of public assistance;
(8) "Obligor", a person owing a duty of support or againstwhom a proceeding for the enforcement of a duty of support orregistration of a support order is commenced; and
(9) "IV-D case", a case in which support rights have beenassigned to the state of Missouri pursuant to section 208.040,RSMo, or in which the division of child support enforcement isproviding support enforcement services pursuant to section454.425, RSMo.
(L. 1993 S.B. 253 ยง 3)Effective 5-26-93