454.976. A tribunal of this state shall recognize a modification ofits earlier child support order by a tribunal of another state whichassumed jurisdiction pursuant to sections 454.850 to 454.997 or a lawsubstantially similar to sections 454.850 to 454.997 and, upon request,except as otherwise provided in sections 454.850 to 454.997 shall:
(1) enforce the order that was modified only as to amounts accruingbefore the modification;
(2) enforce only nonmodifiable aspects of that order;
(3) provide other appropriate relief only for violations of thatorder which occurred before the effective date of the modification; and
(4) recognize the modifying order of the other state, uponregistration, for the purpose of enforcement.
(L. 1997 S.B. 361)Effective 7-1-97