469.090. The following rules set forth in subdivisions (1) and (2) ofthis section shall apply in the case of a vested interest or vested futureinterest created by a transfer made before 1977, and may apply in such caseto lengthen, but shall not shorten, the time for disclaimer otherwiseavailable:
(1) Such interest is subject to disclaimer in whole or in part for areasonable time after the disclaimant has knowledge of the existence of thetransfer;
(2) If the interest has vested before the disclaimant's eighteenthbirthday, and the disclaimant has knowledge of the existence of thetransfer before the disclaimant's eighteenth birthday, such interest issubject to disclaimer in whole or in part until a reasonable time elapsesafter the disclaimant's eighteenth birthday, except that a writtenacceptance by the disclaimant's representative shall constitute anacceptance of any portion of the interest.
(L. 1997 S.B. 265)