473.120. Letters testamentary issued to executors may be inthe following form: County of ....... ss.
The state of Missouri to all persons to whom these presentsshall come, greeting: Know ye, that the last will of ......,deceased, has, in due form of law, been exhibited, proved andrecorded, and inasmuch as it appears that ..... has beenappointed executor in and by the said last will to execute thesame and to the end that the property of the testator may bepreserved for those who appear to have a legal right or interesttherein, and that the said last will may be executed according tothe request of the testator, we do hereby authorize ........, assuch executor, to take possession and control of all personalproperty, owned by the said ...... at the time of his death,except the exempt property of the surviving spouse or unmarriedminor children, in whosesoever possession the same is found andto perform and fulfill all duties enjoined upon him by the will,so far as there shall be property and the law charges him, and ingeneral to do and perform all other things which are required ofhim by law.
In testimony whereof, I, ........, clerk of the probatedivision of the circuit court in and for said county of ........,have hereunto signed my name and affixed the seal of said probatedivision, at office, this ..... day of ....., A.D. .....
Clerk of the Probate Division
(RSMo 1939 § 37, A.L. 1955 p. 385 § 63, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 37; 1919 § 36; 1909 § 44
Effective 1-2-79