476.001. An efficient, well operating and productivejudiciary is essential to the preservation of the people'sliberty and prosperity. In order to achieve this goal, thegeneral assembly and the supreme court must constantly be awareof the operations, needs, strengths and weaknesses of thejudicial system. It is the purpose of sections 476.001, 476.412,476.415 and 476.681 to provide the general assembly and thesupreme court with the mechanisms to obtain on a continuing basisa comprehensive analysis of judicial resources and an efficientand organized method of identifying the problems and needs asthey occur. It is the further purpose of sections 476.001,476.412, 476.415 and 476.681 to provide a system for theefficient allocation of available personnel, facilities andresources to achieve a uniform and effective operation of thejudicial system.
(L. 1989 S.B. 439 ยง 1)