476.056. 1. Any city, county, village or other municipality may providefor automation of its municipal court pursuant to subsection 3 of section476.055, in the manner provided in this section. In order to make suchprovisions, such municipality must:
(1) Adopt an ordinance imposing the surcharge in the amount allowed, andpayable in the manner provided, by section 476.053*, and sections 488.010 to488.020, RSMo;
(2) Enter into an agreement with the state courts administrator forautomation of the municipality's court. Such agreement may provide forcontinuation of the surcharge for a minimum period of time, payable to thefund established by section 476.055, or a special fund established in thestate treasury for such purpose upon expiration of section 476.055, forpayment of a guaranteed minimum annual amount in the event that payment ofsuch surcharges shall not offset the cost of the automation of themunicipality's court; and such other terms as may be agreed on between themunicipality and the state courts administrator.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 476.053*, the payment ofany surcharge provided by this section may continue for a period in excess ofthat allowed by section 476.053* for payment of surcharges in the circuitcourts. The provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, shall not apply to anyspecial fund established pursuant to this section.
(L. 1997 S.B. 248)*Transferred 2000; now 488.027