476.340. 1. The governing body of the conference, between annualsessions, shall be the executive council. The executive council shallconsist of the following members:
(1) The chief justice of the supreme court, or some member of thesupreme court appointed by him;
(2) Two other members of the supreme court appointed by the supremecourt;
(3) One member of each district of the court of appeals elected bythe judges thereof, respectively;
(4) Eight circuit judges, other than judges of the probate division,three of whom shall be elected for three-year terms, one from each districtof the court of appeals, by the circuit judges, other than judges of theprobate division, of the district to represent each of the districts of thecourt of appeals, respectively. A judge whose circuit is in part in morethan one district of the court of appeals may vote in and be elected torepresent either district but not both. Five of the circuit judges on thecouncil shall be elected for three-year terms by the circuit judges of thestate;
(5) One judge of the probate division of circuit courts in countieshaving a population of more than thirty thousand inhabitants elected for athree-year term by the judges of the probate divisions of the circuitcourts in such counties;
(6) Three associate circuit judges elected for three-year terms, onefrom each district of the court of appeals, by the associate circuit judgesof the district to represent each of the districts of the court of appeals,respectively;
(7) Three other associate circuit judges elected for three-year termsby the associate circuit judges of the state;
(8) One associate circuit judge from counties having a population ofthirty thousand inhabitants or less elected for a three-year term by theassociate circuit judges in such counties;
(9) One retired judge or commissioner who is a member of the judicialconference elected for a three-year term by such judges and commissioners.
Members of the executive council on August 28, 2003, shall serve out theirterms and their replacements shall be elected under the provisions of thissection. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member asprovided by resolution of the judicial conference.
2. The executive council shall have general supervision of the workof the conference and such other duties and authority as may be given to itunder rules or resolutions adopted by the conference. The members of theexecutive council shall elect one of its members vice president to act inthe absence of the chief justice.
(L. 1943 p. 514 ยง 4, A.L. 1973 S.B. 263, A.L. 1977 H.B. 289, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1993 S.B. 180, A.L. 2003 H.B. 430 merged with H.B. 613 merged with S.B. 457)