476.412. In addition to any other report required by law orcourt rule, or in conjunction with such report, each presidingjudge of a judicial circuit and the chief judge of each districtof the court of appeals shall file an annual report by Septemberfirst of each year or such other date as directed by the supremecourt. The report shall be in the form prescribed by the statecourts administrator and shall provide statistical information,where applicable, on the performance of the reporting court andeach judge of the reporting court in relation to caseload handledby the court during the period between reports, the rate ofdisposition of cases, the average duration of cases until finaldisposition, the number of cases requiring trial, the number ofcases disposed of by settlement, the average time between filingof a case and final disposition and the average projected timebetween filing of a case and final disposition. Such statisticalinformation shall be particularized according to type of case,including but not limited to personal injury, contract, domesticrelations, equity, juvenile, felonies and misdemeanors. Thereport made by the presiding judge of each circuit shall alsoinclude the number and type of circuit division cases handled byassociate circuit judges and the number and type of such caseshandled by senior judges, if any, assigned to the circuit. Eachreport shall also include an analysis by the reporting judge onthe success of the court in handling its caseload, proceduresadopted by the court to handle caseload, projected ability of thecourt under existing conditions to handle projected futurecaseload, any needs of the court for additional judges,additional court personnel, space, facilities, and equipment andnecessary or desired changes in court rules or procedures or instate law. In connection with any recommendation for additionaljudges, the report shall specify in detail the conditionsrequiring additional judges and whether the needs of the courtcould be satisfied by the appointment of senior judges asprovided in section 476.681, or by assignment of judges fromother circuits, how many such judges would be required, for whatperiods of time, and the type of cases proposed to be handled.
(L. 1989 S.B. 439 ยง 3)