476.524. Any judge as defined in section 476.515 who had performedactive service in the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps,Army or Air National Guard, Coast Guard, or any reserve component thereofprior to holding office, may elect prior to retirement, to purchase all ofhis or her creditable prior service equivalent to such service in the armedforces, but not to exceed four years, if he or she is not receiving and isnot eligible to receive retirement credits or benefits from any otherpublic or private retirement plan for the service to be purchased, and anaffidavit so stating shall be filed by the judge with the Missouri stateemployees' retirement system. However, if the judge is eligible to receiveretirement credits in a United States military service retirement system,he or she shall be permitted to purchase creditable prior serviceequivalent to his or her service in the armed forces but not to exceed fouryears, any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding. Thepurchase shall be effected by the judge's submission of the appropriatedocumentation verifying the judge's dates of active service and by payingto the Missouri state employees' retirement system an amount equal to whatwould have been contributed by the state on the judge's behalf had thejudge been a judge for the period for which the judge is electing topurchase credit and had the judge's compensation during such period ofmembership been the same as the annual salary rate at which the judge wasinitially employed, with the calculations based on the assumed or actualcontribution rate in effect on the date of employment with simple interestcalculated from the initial date of employment of the judge to the date ofelection pursuant to this section. The payment shall be made over a periodof not longer than two years, measured from the date of election, withsimple interest on the unpaid balance. All payments for purchase ofservice pursuant to this section shall be set aside in a reserve fund forfunding of said benefits. Payments made for such creditable prior servicepursuant to this section shall be treated by the Missouri state employees'retirement system as would contributions made by the state and shall not besubject to any prohibition on member contributions or refund provisions ineffect at the time of enactment of this section.
(L. 1987 H.B. 713, A.L. 1989 H.B. 674, A.L. 1992 S.B. 499, et al., A.L. 1997 H.B. 356, A.L. 2001 S.B. 371)