476.537. In the event that any judge leaving no survivingspouse or any surviving spouse receiving benefits under section476.535 as a beneficiary dies leaving dependents who are unableto care for or support themselves because of any mentalretardation, disease or disability, or any physical handicap ordisability, the benefits that would be received by a survivingspouse on the judge's death if there were a surviving spouse orthe benefits received by such surviving spouse, as the case maybe, shall be paid to such surviving dependent for the remainderof such dependent's life. If the judge or such surviving spouseleaves more than one dependent who would be eligible for benefitsunder this section, then each eligible dependent shall receive apro rata* share of the amount that would be paid to a survivingspouse under section 476.535.
(L. 1981 H.B. 835, et al., A.L. 1989 H.B. 610)Effective 6-14-89
*Word "rate" appears in original rolls.