476.540. Any person ceasing to hold office as a judge asdefined in section 476.520, for any reason other than death orretirement, may make written application to the commissioner ofadministration for a refund of his contributions under sections476.515 to 476.570. On receipt of the written application, thecommissioner of administration shall pay the refund in one lumpsum which shall equal the total amount of such contributionsunder sections 476.515 to 476.570. Any person receiving suchrefund except as provided in section 476.585 thereby waives allrights to retirement compensation under sections 476.515 to476.570. If such person again becomes a judge of any courtcovered by sections 476.515 to 476.570, he may restore allamounts previously received as a refund, together with interestas determined by the trustees of the Missouri state retirementsystem that the contributions would have earned if they had notbeen previously withdrawn, except that he shall not be requiredto restore any amounts received pursuant to section 476.585.Upon the restoration, and not otherwise, the prior service as ajudge shall be counted toward the twelve years of servicenecessary to qualify for full retirement compensation.
(L. 1971 S.B. 132 ยง 6, A.L. 1982 S.B. 497)