476.585. 1. No payroll deduction shall be made from thecompensation of any judge for retirement benefits after September1, 1976.
2. Any judge holding office on September 1, 1976, whothereafter retires, shall be paid by the commissioner ofadministration the total amount of contributions paid by himunder the provisions of section 476.525, not previously refunded,together with the interest as computed by the board of trusteesof the Missouri state retirement system and this amount shall bein addition to any retirement benefits to which he is entitled.Any judge who fails to become eligible for retirement because oflack of service may at any time after leaving office request andreceive his accumulated contributions and interest.
3. When a judge who is in office dies on or after September1, 1976, the commissioner of administration shall pay to suchbeneficiary as the judge may have designated in writing, or tohis estate if no beneficiary be designated, an amount equal tothe total amount of contributions paid by him under theprovisions of section 476.525, not previously refunded, togetherwith interest as provided in subsection 2 of this section.
4. When a judge, as defined in section 476.515, requests inwriting, the board shall pay to that judge within ninety daysfrom general revenue all accumulated contributions made throughSeptember 1, 1976, and not previously refunded, plus creditedinterest to the date the payment is made by the board. Suchrefund of contributions and interest shall not in any way changeany benefits or rights to which the judge may be entitled.
(L. 1976 S.B. 513 ยง 3, A.L. 1981 H.B. 835, et al., A.L. 1982 S.B. 497)