476.750. As used in sections 476.750 to 476.766, the following termsmean:
(1) "Auxiliary aids and services", the device or service that thedeaf person feels would best serve him or her which includes, but is notlimited to, qualified interpreters, notetakers, transcription services,written materials, assistive listening devices, assistive listeningsystems, closed caption decoders, open and closed captioning, videotextdisplays or other effective method of making aurally delivered materialsavailable to individuals with hearing loss as defined by the Americans withDisabilities Act of 1990, P.L. 101-336, as amended;
(2) "Deaf person", any person who, because of a hearing loss, is notable to discriminate speech when spoken in a normal conversational toneregardless of the use of amplification devices;
(3) "Designated responsible authority", the presiding officer,chairman, hearing officer, judge, clerk or similar official in any court,board, commission, department, agency or legislative body or the designatedAmericans with Disabilities Act coordinator who is responsible forproviding auxiliary aids and services;
(4) "Primary consideration", when an auxiliary aid or service isrequired, the designated responsible authority shall when possible providean opportunity for the qualified individual with a disability to designatethe auxiliary aid or service of his or her choice. The designatedresponsible authority may honor the choice of the qualified individual witha disability, unless the designated responsible authority provides anequally effective auxiliary aid or service, or that use of the means chosenwould result in a fundamental alteration in the service, program oractivity or in undue financial or administrative burdens;
(5) "Qualified interpreter", an interpreter certified and licensed bythe Missouri interpreter certification system or deemed competent by theMissouri commission for the deaf and hard of hearing, who is able tointerpret effectively, accurately and impartially both receptively andexpressively, using any necessary specialized vocabulary.
(L. 1993 S.B. 88 ยง 4, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1783)