477.235. 1. There is hereby created in the state treasurythe "Supreme Court Publications Revolving Fund", which shall beadministered by the clerk of the supreme court. All fundsreceived by the clerk from the sale of publications including,but not limited to, an appellate court opinion summary and anappellate court pending issues digest shall be credited to thefund. The state treasurer is the custodian of the fund and shallapprove disbursements from the fund at the request of the clerkof the supreme court to purchase goods or services which willultimately be used in the production of publications.
2. Copies of, or subscriptions to, publications shall bemade available to the public by the clerk of the supreme courtfor a reasonable charge established by him. The charge shall bean amount sufficient to defray the costs of compiling,publishing, and mailing, including all personnel costs. Theclerk may waive the charge for a copy or subscription of apublication for any public officer.
3. The supreme court publications revolving fund shall befunded annually by appropriation. An unexpended balance in thefund at the end of the fiscal year not exceeding fifty thousanddollars is exempt from the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo,relating to the transfer of unexpended balances to the generalrevenue fund.
4. The general assembly may transfer from the generalrevenue fund to the supreme court publications revolving fund asum not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars to enable the clerk ofthe supreme court to continue publications until sufficient fundshave accumulated from sales of copies or subscriptions. Theclerk shall issue a warrant to the supreme court publicationsrevolving fund at such time that he deems the balance in the fundsufficient, but not later than twenty-four months after thetransfer from the general revenue fund, payable to the generalrevenue fund of the state to repay the money transferred to thesupreme court publications revolving fund from the generalrevenue fund.
(L. 1981 H.B. 895 ยง 1)Effective 6-25-81