479.050. The municipal judge or judges, or, in thosemunicipalities where the violations of municipal ordinances areheard and determined by an associate circuit judge, or judges,the associate circuit judge, or judges, may establish a trafficviolations bureau in any municipality, and shall establish such abureau when a request therefor is made by the governing body ofthe municipality. The traffic violations bureau shall operateunder the supervision of the circuit court and those judgesregularly hearing and determining municipal ordinance violationcases of the particular municipality and shall be operated inaccordance with the rules of the supreme court and the rules ofthe circuit court. All expenses incident to the operation of thetraffic violations bureau, including salaries of clericalpersonnel, shall be paid by the municipality. The municipalityshall provide suitable quarters for the traffic violationsbureau; and all fines and costs shall be paid into the municipaltreasury; provided, however, that when a municipality's ordinanceviolation cases are heard and determined by an associate circuitjudge, or judges, provision may be made by circuit court rule fora traffic violation bureau to be operated by the staff availableto the associate circuit judge and in such case fines and costsshall be paid over and distributed as provided in subsection 2 ofsection 479.080.
(L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Effective 1-2-79
*No continuity with ยง 479.050 as repealed by L. 1978 H.B. 1634.