483.140. It shall be the special duty of every judge of acourt of record to examine into and superintend the manner inwhich the rolls and records of the court are made up and kept; toprescribe orders that will procure uniformity, regularity andaccuracy in the transaction of the business of the court; torequire that the records and files be properly maintained andentries be made at the proper times as required by law or supremecourt rule, and that the duties of the clerks be performedaccording to law and supreme court rule; and if any clerk fail tocomply with the law, the court shall proceed against him as for amisdemeanor.
(RSMo 1939 § 2004, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1840; 1919 § 2337; 1909 § 3859
Effective 1-2-79