483.390. 1. In all civil actions any party interestedtherein may, upon payment of the fees, have any or all of thefollowing papers recorded in the office of the clerk of thecircuit court in the county in which such action is brought:Petitions, summons, affidavit for publication of notice tononresident or unknown defendants, sheriff's, or other officer's,return of service to summons, proof of publication of notices tononresident or unknown defendants, answers, motions, notices ofsale of property involved and proof of its publication, return ofsale by any sheriff, commissioner, or other officer, in case ofsale of real estate, affidavit of commissioner, notice to partiesby commissioner in partition, and any other paper or pleadingtending to show the service on the defendants for theirappearance in such case.
2. The clerk of the circuit court shall charge the sum often cents per one hundred words for the recording of papers asprovided in this section, which sum shall be paid into the countytreasury.
(RSMo 1939 § 13296, A.L. 1945 p. 662)Prior revision: 1929 § 11677