485.055. 1. Whenever the supreme court makes an ordertemporarily transferring a circuit judge to a circuit court otherthan the court to which he was appointed or elected, or wheneverany such judge is temporarily transferred or assigned in a mannerother than by order of the supreme court, the supreme court, uponwritten notice from such transferred judge, shall, if the regularreporter is for any reason unavailable and the transfer is deemednecessary, order the temporary transfer of the official courtreporter of the court of such transferred judge to accompany thejudge and perform all the duties of the official court reporterof the court to which the judge is transferred in the mattersheard or considered by the transferred judge while sotransferred, and the official court reporter shall perform thesame duties, make the same charges for his services, and besubject to the same laws and rules while acting as suchtransferred reporter as though he were the* regularly appointedofficial reporter of the court to which he was temporarilyappointed.
2. Upon the request made to the supreme court by a circuitjudge whose official reporter is absent by reason of illness orphysical incapacity, for the transfer of a reporter, the supremecourt may, with the consent of the judge appointing him, orwithout such consent if said judge is absent or incapacitated,order the temporary transfer of another official reporter to saidcircuit court, and the official reporter shall perform the sameduties, make the same charges for his services, and be subject tothe same laws and rules while acting as such transferred reporteras though he were the regularly appointed official reporter ofthe court to which he was temporarily appointed.
3. In all judicial circuits having more than one circuitjudge, in the absence or incapacity of one of the judges, thepresiding judge may order the court reporter of said absent orincapacitated judge to act as court reporter of another divisionof said court when he shall deem such action necessary.
(L. 1951 p. 423 ยง 1, A.L. 1955 p. 499, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Effective 1-2-79
*Word "the" does not appear in original rolls.