490.240. Printed copies of the ordinances, resolutions,rules, orders and bylaws of any city or incorporated town in thisstate, purporting to be published by authority of such city orincorporated town, and manuscript or printed copies of suchordinances, resolutions, rules, orders and bylaws, certifiedunder the hand of the officer having the same in lawful custody,with the seal of such city or town annexed, shall be received asevidence in all courts and places in this state, without furtherproof; and any printed pamphlet or volume, purporting to bepublished by authority of any such town or city, and to containthe ordinances, resolutions, rules, orders or bylaws of such townor city, shall be evidence, in all courts and places within thisstate, of such ordinances, resolutions, rules, orders or bylaws.
(RSMo 1939 § 1827)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1663; 1919 § 5350; 1909 § 6295
Ordinances, resolutions of cities received in evidence, RSMo 88.503
(1960) Refusal to allow plaintiff's counsel to introduce city ordinance was not error where a portion was misquoted and a portion, as contained in plaintiff's brief, was irrelevant and the record failed to show plaintiff attempted to prove the ordinance by proper means although the reason given for objection was unsound. Sorrel v. Hudson (Mo.), 335 S.W.2d 1.
(1962) Maps of reorganized school districts from files of state department of education which were submitted by the respective county boards of education were properly received in evidence in action for declaratory judgment to fix the boundary between two reorganized school districts. Reorganized Sch. Dist. R-I v. Reorganized Sch. Dist. R-III (A.), 360 S.W.2d 376.