490.320. When any deed or conveyance affecting real estatehas been recorded more than twenty years, and has not been provedor acknowledged, according to law, when so recorded, but has beensubsequently duly proved, and read upon the trial of anylitigated cause in any of the courts of record of this state, anda copy of such deed or conveyance has been preserved in a bill ofexceptions taken and filed in such cause, and a transcript of theproceedings therein has been filed in the supreme court or anydistrict of the court of appeals, upon proof that the deed orconveyance has been lost or destroyed, the copy thereof containedin such transcript, duly certified under the hand and seal of theclerk of the proper court, may be read in evidence in any suit.
(RSMo 1939 § 1843, A.L. 1973 S.B. 263, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 1679; 1919 § 5366; 1909 § 6311
Effective 1-2-79