490.450. All deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust and otherinstruments conveying or affecting title to real estate where theChristian names of the grantees therein, or the parties of thesecond part, are abbreviated by using the initials thereof, orany abbreviation thereof, or where the surname is misspelled, andthe same premises are afterwards conveyed by the full Christianname or names, with correct spelling of the surname, the recordof such instruments shall be received in evidence and suchparties shall be presumed until the contrary appears, to be thesame. And in like manner the same shall be true in all caseswhere the title to any such property is taken in the fullChristian name and correct spelling of the surname and conveyedout by the initials or initial or abbreviations of the Christianname or misspelling of the surname; provided, that the surname inwhich such title was taken is idem sonans with the name by whichthe title to the same premises were conveyed or affected. And inlike manner a variation in the spelling and using of the initialsof parties to any court proceedings affecting title to realestate, it shall be presumed, until the contrary appears, thatany variation in initials or abbreviations thereof or themisspelling of the surname of any party thereto, such person orpersons shall be presumed until the contrary appears, to be thesame person or persons claiming title to the real estate affectedby such proceedings, as their interest may appear therein;provided, that surnames are idem sonans.
(RSMo 1939 § 3445)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3058; 1919 § 2217