491.290. The clerk of each court of record shall, on theapplication of any witness to have his fees allowed, enter on hisbook, under the title of the cause in which the witness wassummoned or recognized, or if before the grand jury, the name ofthe witness, the number of days he has attended and the number ofmiles he has necessarily to travel in consequence of the summonsor recognizance, and shall swear the witness to the truth of thefacts contained in said entry, and it shall be the duty of theclerk to make out and deliver to each witness attending beforethe grand jury, and entitled to fees therefor, a scrip asrequired in case of grand jurors, which scrip shall becountersigned by the foreman of the grand jury, and shall be paidby the county treasurer in like manner as now by law required forthe pay of grand jurors; and the clerk shall be allowed the samecompensation for said services as is now allowed by law for likeservices in issuing scrip to grand jurors.
(RSMo 1939 § 13421)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11799; 1919 § 11007; 1909 § 10710