491.350. If any witness so attached shall show a reasonableexcuse for not appearing, as required by the subpoena, he shallbe discharged, either with or without payment of the costs of theattachment, in the discretion of the associate circuit judge; butif he fail to show any good and sufficient reason for notattending, he shall be fined in such sum as the associate circuitjudge shall think reasonable to impose, not exceeding twentydollars, and may be committed until such fine and costs are paid,in like manner as persons may be committed for the nonpayment offines and costs in criminal cases.
(RSMo 1939 § 2654, A.L. 1945 p. 765 § 90)Prior revisions: 1929 § 2268; 1919 § 2818; 1909 § 7495