491.600. Any court with jurisdiction over any criminalmatter may, in its discretion, upon substantial evidence, whichmay include hearsay, that intimidation or dissuading of anyperson who is a victim or who is a witness has occurred or isreasonably likely to occur, issue orders including but notlimited to the following:
(1) An order that a defendant not engage in activity asdefined by section 575.270, RSMo, and maintain a prescribedgeographic distance from a witness or victim;
(2) An order that a person before the court other than adefendant, including but not limited to a subpoenaed witness orother person entering the courtroom of said court, not engage inactivity as defined by section 575.270, RSMo, and maintain aprescribed geographic distance from a witness or victim;
(3) An order that any person described in subdivision (1) or(2) of this section have no connection whatsoever with anyspecified witness or any victim, except through an attorney undersuch reasonable restrictions as the court may impose.
(L. 1983 S.B. 24 ยง 2)