491.610. Any person violating any order made pursuant tosection 491.600 may be punished in any of the following ways:
(1) For any substantive offense described in section575.270, RSMo, where such violation of an order is a violation ofsection 575.270, RSMo, as a contempt of the court making suchorder; however, no finding of contempt shall be a bar forprosecution for a substantive offense as defined in section575.270, RSMo, but:
(a) Any person so held in contempt shall be entitled tocredit for any punishment imposed against any sentence imposed orconviction of said substantive offense; and
(b) Any conviction or acquittal for any substantive offenseunder section 575.270, RSMo, shall be a bar to subsequentpunishment for contempt arising out of the same act;
(2) By revocation of any form of pretrial release, or theforfeiture of bail or both and to issuance of a bench warrant forthe defendant's arrest or remanding him to custody. Therevocation may be made whether the violation of the ordercomplained of has been committed by the defendant personally orwas caused or encouraged to have been committed by suchdefendant.
(L. 1983 S.B. 24 ยง 3)