491.640. 1. The prosecutors coordinators training council, asestablished in section 56.760, RSMo, may, upon the council's own initiativeor at the request of the attorney general, any prosecuting attorney or lawenforcement agency, provide for the security of witnesses, potentialwitnesses and their immediate families in criminal proceedings institutedor investigations pending against a person alleged to have engaged in aviolation of state law. Providing for witnesses may include provision ofhousing facilities and for the health, safety and welfare of such witnessesand their immediate families, if testimony by such a witness might subjectthe witness or a member of his immediate family to danger of bodily injury,and may continue so long as such danger exists.
2. The prosecutors coordinators training council may authorize thepurchase, rental or modification of protected housing facilities for thepurpose of this section. The council may contract with any department offederal or state government to obtain or to provide the facilities orservices to carry out this section.
3. The prosecutors coordinators training council may authorizeexpenditures to provide for the health, safety and welfare of witnesses andvictims, and the families of such witnesses and victims, whenever, in hisjudgment, testimony from, or a willingness to testify by, such a witness orvictim would place the life of such person, or a member of his family orhousehold, in jeopardy. Applications by requesting law enforcementagencies under this section must include but not necessarily be limited to:
(1) Statement of conditions which qualify persons for protection;
(2) Precise methods the originating agency will use to provideprotection, including relocation of persons and reciprocal agreements withother law enforcement agencies;
(3) Statement of projected costs over a specified period of time.
4. The prosecutors coordinators training council may delegateadministration of the program set forth in this section to the executivedirector of the Missouri office of prosecution services. Subject toappropriations from the general assembly for the purposes provided for inthis section, funds may be appropriated from the Missouri office ofprosecution services fund set forth in subsection 2 of section 56.765,RSMo, general revenue or federal funds. Under no circumstance shall theexpenditures from general revenue for the purposes provided for in thissection exceed the amount of ninety-five thousand dollars, if and whenappropriated by the general assembly for such purposes.
(L. 1983 S.B. 24 ยง 5, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1211)