491.702. 1. On motion of the juvenile officer, the courtmay exclude the alleged perpetrator from any or all depositionproceedings at which the child is to testify. However, where anysuch order of exclusion is entered, the child shall not beexcused as a witness until the alleged perpetrator has had areasonable opportunity to review the videotape recording inprivate with his counsel and to consult with his counsel; anduntil his counsel has been afforded the opportunity tocross-examine the child following such review and consultation.
2. The court may also order, on motion of the juvenileofficer, during all predeposition procedures, recesses, andpost-deposition matters that the child be sequestered from theview and presence of the alleged perpetrator.
3. In no event shall the child's videotaped testimony beadmitted into evidence until all parties and their attorneys havebeen afforded a reasonable opportunity to review the videotape inprivate in the presence of each other.
(L. 1987 H.B. 598)